Creative. Curious. Calm. Counterbalance of Chaos.


As a parent with four kids, I spend more time than necessary in a given week deciding and selecting what order or whose turn it is to do a specific task. While some of these are easily scheduled (i.e. kiddo 1 is first on Mondays, kiddo 2 on Tuesdays, etc.) or arranged (oldest to youngest, youngest to oldest) or decided on the fly (high dice roll), there are always gaps with these approaches (4 does not divide easily into the 7-day week, the middle two get less first time, etc., some people are consistently bad dice rollers). Additionally, there are also certain activities that due to their intermittency, are more difficult to keep track of (who picks the car movie, whose turn it is to run an errand with a parent, who selects desert, etc.). I’d like to create an app that makes it easy to keep track of whose turn it is for various activities.

Disney+ App Feature Addition

The Disney+ App is a wonderful streaming app for kids, but it is missing a few parental control features. This project takes a look at this app, analyzes the feasibility of, and implements some of the features in Figma to showcase what parental controls the app could provide.

Ashworth Massage and Bodywork, LLC

Micah is a massage therapist who has been using the same website for the past decade. He does not feel the website is well utilized and fits his clients’ needs. His business has grown substantially since first creating the site, as well as the services that he offers, and he would like to create a better one-stop-shop experience. Micah would like a better design the website for marketing, scheduling, and information delivery purposes. He would like to increase user ease and satisfaction with the utilization of the website as the client base continues to grow.